Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The New Deal 2

I realized today that the recent Liberal new deal is a fraud. I realized that the idea of a new America is a fraud.

We the People surround the detractors of liberty the detesters of God and Faith.

We the People are the masses the numbers that surround them the menial liberals the hoarders and thieves of a nations social knowledge.
They detest us the faithful believers of religion and the belief that our country was designed to bring freedom to humanity.
They are the evil that stole the minds of the youth that overwhelmed the distribution of knowledge. They consumed the media the radio the news the art the education from elementary to the universities.

They have 1969 burned like acid in their minds but I have 1776 in my heart. We surround them and they are marginal. We need to show the nation we are the power. We need to show the young minds the nation is greater then the information they are brainwashed with. We need to provide the truth to rejuvenate the knowledge we learned in schools. We have the information that was deemed outdated in education; but, how can liberalism out date George Washington the great general when they replaced him with George Washington the slave owner. That may be true of that era in history but the new school books are designed to teach one side of social output with compassion and empathy not truth and history.
The human mind reacts oddly when lied to. The human consciousness rebels to deceit --------

What have the liberals done for us in a decade? They caused our crops to fail. They caused our forest to burn. They caused our economy to crumble. They are working to destroy our health and control a population by redesigning the best in the world health care system. They can not even provide good food. Liberalism is a social failure and very uncomfortable for the traditional human lifestyle. The debauchery in that lifestyle they want to painfully shove up our life from behind, like addicts they need to convert non addicts to provide for their habits.

What is so wrong with us traditional Americans?
They the liberals proved their claim it is consumption. How ridiculous is that we are alive we have a need to consume this can not be changed one bit. What is their answer to consumption it is taxing consumption and transferring wealth from one group to another? Their very answer to consumption is re-consumption to fund their misconceived notions of utopia that failed every time in history. It is failing in their hands of change yet they refuse to un-grip their fist from failure they are like a virus that sickens a population till the virus destroys itself.
In my great city of New York they dumpster dive for unused food and resell the food. Once the starving got to eat what was discarded now the rich élites feel empowered by stealing what once was free substance for those in the greatest of need. This is the example of misguided minds that believe they are saving the world by altering the balance.

What will they have us do Hunt and gather spend hours a day providing for our families. Wait they will not even allow us to hunt and tame the land. They will not let us irrigate our fields what will we eat. Without meat our brains will not develop. Without nutrients found in meat our minds will shrink and UN-evolve, our children will be born deformed more likely aborted and not born at all. With small undeveloped minds and weak educations the liberal’s utopia is closer to reality a reality of impoverished people easily deceived and controlled by subsistence. With eugenics that substance will be genetically altered mass fertilizing people they decide should not reproduce.

We surround them today. We must hit the streets in numbers and show the world America is still the great society. Most importantly we must show the youth that the lies are just that lies. Show the youth that the heart of America is a traditional 200 year old society that offered greatness and wonder to the world. We must offer this greatness by ejecting the liberal scourge from the media, arts and our politics. We must destroy the 1969 mindset once and for all with the 1776 spirit of America.

They fear organized America as expressed with the Tea parties that they feared so much they refused to present us on the news. They called us racist and lied about everything we stand for. On this notion it is time to remove the cameras from the reporters and report our own parties and protest. We are the numbers of America being detracted by the few. We are the power they fear.
Remember we are nothing to be feared because we are normal compassionate reasoning people. We are targeted by the very opposite of the moral fabric we represent in all aspects of our lives. Never again can we be destroyed by the few idealist that hoard power and information to undermine America like a disease. If America becomes victim to socialist liberals the world will fall like a house of cards. The world is routing for us to stop this scourge of change.

Obama is not our enemy as strange as that sounds he is not the leader of this change he is the puppet. We need to cut the strings that control him so he can achieve his destiny. Leaders are remembered by their enemy's and we are not them. We are not the hateful people that undermined George W Bush. We are the people that believe one can rise to greatness regardless of sex, race or religion. This is what makes us great as a nation. We The People are born of greatness a nation that wanted to see the misconception of race and sex broken.
Obama has a destiny that was already achieved by showing a portion of our population that they belong to this system. That with hard work and determination they can become anything they dream of becoming. I am honored to be part of a country that is color blind. I am anxious to see the contribution of a society that felt marginalized after the marginalization of community organizers led them to believe for many years they are worthless except for funding these community organizers. We all see these outdated community organizers frantically preaching hate struggling to undermine their own people for the contributions that fund their lifestyles and private jets.

We were born to a country with founding fathers and principles designed from collective knowledge of success and failures. They created a document that put first the people and acknowledged above all laws we are governed by God.
These founding fathers did not build a nation from hatred as we are recently led to believe. Our founding fathers built a nation from a colony founded by another great nation they loved and out of love they rebelled from a King that hated them. The principles that designed this nation allowed all things possible and all possible things emerged good and bad. With the bad we knew we were good and with the good we found the bad. This equivalency of power allowed the greatest thoughts to emerge and the weakest to fail. Just like man we rise to greatness on our own merit and fall just the same on our own merit regardless of heritage or birth right. They never intended the weakness of our politicians to remain in power as they do today against their failures because they have legacy.
Our founding fathers gave us a nation designed with the love of God and natural law. Today we are detracted from the very foundation. It takes many bricks to build a structure firmly but remove one brick from the foundation and the whole structure will collapse. The brick removed from our foundation is culture a culture re-interpreted by a few ideologues.

Culture is the missing brick the key to repairing all that is wrong with society. When we fight for our nation we must do this through culture. We must re-vitalize the artist movement by ousting the critics and the keepers of endowments for artist.
From presenting art to the masses culture is found from the artist and modern society is interpreted.
For to long the modern art movement was devastated by those elitists who bring to us thought and philosophy from visual communication. Today’s art critics and keepers of the funds to advance artist have populated ugliness and meaningless forms in public places. The reason for this is to change society. How do they do this? When a talented artist brings beauty in design it brings beauty to culture and society and inspires thought to all people. It is the very inspiration of thought that is being attacked. Those who can not create from their emotions and feelings find inspiration from what they see and find in art and literature. The inspiration found from the presentation of art and literature generates science, politics and philosophy from the images and writings they view and understand. They take in what they see and inspire within the tools they know.
By stagnating art and deeming meaningless forms and designs as art they stagnate society in turn stagnating politics with meaningless forms and art that people can not understand. When a society seeks talent and produces the talent for the masses the artist or thinker is lifted in society and sought for their knowledge. When we provide these artists with the funds they return the investment by advancing society with the enlighten thought gifted to them by God.
The critics empower modern artist whom produce meaningless art. These modern artist I contest they are not artist yet individuals who consider themselves artist and rewarded by those who wish meaninglessness to pollute culture. This happens whilst artist who use their full mind are subjugated and shunned by the critics who infiltrated this segment of creation and creativity. The union of non-artist advanced to socialite status funded by critics that suppress true artist has and will change the interpretations of society.
Today we find an epidemic of unqualified individuals in highly qualified positions of power based on ideology in all segments of society, politics and business. This effect is tied to culture, economics, politics, science and in turn affects our investments in our families our futures our politics and our very evolution.
We need to repair this segment of society with true artist that utilize their full mind to produce art. We must act now at this time in history beauty in art can not succeed.
They are rooted out early in life by the critics that control what the rest of us see. They are not allowed to participate in mainstream art. Artist in history naturally denounce the indoctrination as true artist can not naturally be indoctrinated. The reason they can not be indoctrinated is true artist are free thinkers interpreters of self experience documenters of history as they see it not as they are told. Now you can see why true artist are at the frontline of this battle. They can not be controlled they have no need for money or possessions. They are gifted with free will that can not be shaken or indoctrinated. A single writing or one painting can spark a revolution in science politics society and this is culture.

We must always remember that living with liberty comes at a cost. The tree of liberty flourishes by the blood of patriots and tyrants. We the people are the patriots who defend the principles we were founded upon. We shall never waiver against the wind of change when that wind blows fire and brimstone upon us.
It is not us who are rebellious it is them the tyrants of change that are the rebels who stole power.
The thieves of our nation must be suppressed our government must be returned. The false word of the media must be suppressed. We must bring the word to the people without the Marxist opinions undermining the truth within the free press. The legislators and courts that refuse our power and thirst for our souls must be suppressed.
We are the soul of America the very blood of the giant. This giant sleeps when America is safe the giant is known as we the people and must be awakened. The giant has been held down and remanufactured deep with in the arteries known as interstate highways. We must detach this connection cut across those highways and lay down a brass barrier sealed with the words “We The People”. We must Protest the wind of change and challenge everything good and bad as we learned any good concession has attached at the 9th hour the wind of change. Any bad legislation has the facade of a good bill to present to us.
We will not fight with violence but with peace and justice we must allow them the tyrants to bleed us in the streets. It is them the tyrants that will change this country by our blood. Not us we will not spill blood we will not charge the capital in violence that violent charge is for the Marxist.
We are patriots of truth justice and freedom endowed with certain liberties from our creator. It is our creator who will support our efforts to retake America by use of peaceful protest. From peace the giant will rise again and they will attempt to spill our blood. The tyrants grip tight with iron fist the power of our nation.
Our nation is built on principle that we are a nation under God. It is the military that they will lose control once they breach the constitution and spill our blood. It is the military who will defend us from tyrants as our fore fathers knew the military is for the people to defend the people from enemies domestic and abroad.
We have all the power a power we forget in times of peace. They attempt to let us believe that they are changing this country with peace. I contest that this change is not peaceful that it is aggressive and violently attacking us with words they use like soldiers. The pen is mightier then the sword just not as loud or profound as a bullet. They assassinate us with words written in law and like the Nazis they refer to law to kill us one by one, one by one till opposition is silent and we are no longer. We The People we are lambs no longer Sheppard’s on our own private land To Do With As We Will.

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