Tuesday, January 19, 2010

When the Clock Stops They Called it Freedom

Historically all peoples all civilizations all governments lose their way.
It is our nature from the beginning of humanity till the end of time it is our design.
What we must never forget as lay people or leaders is freedom is our design.
Our very nature that moves us forward also brings us back to equilibrium.
We must always fear pendulum that ceases to move at all.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Something Positive About Tea Baggers.

Thanks Bob Beckel.
You explanation made me realize something Positive about Tea Baggers.
What makes us great you ask?
Its So Simple, It's Positive it drives them into a neurological reaction to show Grrrrr!

My Message
"Tea leaves alone do not taste great in a cup of water.
United together diluted in water we make a good cup of Liberty Tea.
As baggers we keep the water of liberty tea free of unwanted debris."

Keep it positive!