Friday, June 5, 2009

Day Four:

Ode' to Government. You May Control My Pockets, But; I Will Never Let You Control My Mouth. Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved in Part or Full June 5, 2009 4:40Pm est

Monday, June 1, 2009

Day Three: The Tortoise “GOP” and The Hare “DNC”

The Tortoise “GOP” and The Hare “DNC”

History is easily forgotten when politics are ruled with ambitions and desires. The Fabled story of the Tortoise and the Hare may be a lesson for Obamas DNC.

I contend that Obama is acting like the fabled hare. He is moving fast and recklessly confidently racing his agenda through the beltway while hobnobbing on the way. I pose the Republican Party is acting the role of the tortoise carefully and steadily moving forward to achieve its goals.

Just like in the story it is easy to wager on the Hare over the Tortoise from pre-conceived notions the Hare is faster and can surely win a race. The same knowledge is possessed by the Hare whom is confidently showing off how fast He can move and how far He can jump.

The only thing the tortoise has to show boat is how he can move his house forward through obstacles and ruts. The race surely seems unfair and publicized in favor of the Hare.

The fast moving Obama like the hare is perceived to be ahead of the race and at an unfair advantage. He moves with leaps and bonds whilst stopping on the way to gloat how great he is while mocking his opponent. Obamas race is through legislation and nominations confident that he will not be opposed. His arrogance has positioned him in the lead of an unfinished race. Obamas speed is moving from one segment to the other affecting all Americans and International investors will work against him at the end. Obama truly acts the role of the hare and is comfortable with his lead.

The slow moving Republican contenders appear to have no chance at winning, but; a win by the tortoise has humongous odds 50:1 with grand payoffs once the race is complete. Still the Republicans need to finish the race ahead of the hare. How can this be done simply by moving its house forward, by observing the scenery left behind by the Hares given evidence of irresponsibility and loss of commitment to finish. Whilst the Hare moves fast he is over confident and does not see the possibility of a loss nor does he take note of his surroundings. While the hare stops to gloat and show boat the tortoise creeps up slowly with his house on his back protected from the storms the media inflicts. From slowly progressing forward the Tortoise is unnoticed as he takes advantage of the confident Hare.

You see the Hare has underestimated the Tortoise in the race. Like Obama the Hare feels success is his inherent right. The Tortoise started the race knowing he was disadvantaged. The Republicans can win by sticking to conviction and its principle slogan “slow and steady wins the race”. The young and immature Hare has misjudged the spirit of the old and strong Tortoise.

The Tortoise has an advantage from slowly moving forward it takes note and carefully examines the scenery. He takes advantage of the speed and confidence of the Hare and will use this against him. The hare is disadvantaged as it moves so quick it does not study its own works like recent legislation. By not carefully examining its work and hopping from one legislation to the other the Hare will not be able to reflect on its deeds and will lose the race in the final mile.The Tortoise moving slowly has studied the short coming of the Hare and finished the race

In this case the Tortoise will win when it comes time to pointing out the lack of attention from the speed of the works made by the confident Hare. At the end the Tortoise moved its house forward to the win never separating from principles.

Day Two: Road to Race

The need for race relations in the United States of America is upon us. The discussion and healing of nations long deep wounds are over due. The first step in any healing must be taken by the wounded and wronged. The first step, the most important step is illustrator in holy orders and practiced by secularist. The first step is forgiveness. If we do not forgive we can not heal as a nation. I do not see a path of forgiveness; I see a path of destruction coming for minorities from minorities. Are we still able to call segments of society minorities or is it in my opinion marginalizing. We are nation of diversity and a melting pot of the world. If race relations should be debated it should be debated in America freely and with out politicians and lawmakers.

We have learned this great nation has not started the racial healing as assumed with the historical election of President Obama. When Obama announced his nomination I was proud of this country for the overall support of the First African American President. I assumed the healing began; I was excited to see opportunity come to a segment of society that experienced the invisible ceiling. The dawn of a new light in this nation in my view should empower scholar’s scientist and so many more genius who months earlier felt segmented and limited.

We have learned the nation has not surpassed the race relations we assumed we accomplished with Obama’s Presidency. We learned Condoleezza Rice, Alberto Gonzales, Miguel Estrada,, and so many other wonderfully educated and affluent politicians did not surpass the invisible barrier. Why was there outcry when Republicans championed racial barriers where was the pride for Republican minorities. A true hateful and racist agenda has been perpetrated with rubber stamping from the DNC who all too often consider minorities’ property of the DNC.

We were promised a more perfect union on race relations from President Obama that stimulated Attorney General Eric Holders Comment "Nation of Cowards" Feb 18th 2009 at this point activism in the attorney Generals office will bridge the racial divide. We heard it clearly the powers of the Attorney General of the United States will help bridge the racial divide. We must consider the powers of the Attorney General and question why is this office bridging the racial divide.

Obama concluded that we need to "break a racial stalemate we've been stuck in for years".

Then the discussion died.

Recently with the nomination of Sonya Sotomayer it appears the racial debate is arming up. Under statements form Press Secretary Gibbs who defined a GOP warning that sounded like this nomination is a weapon. This was not a soft warning it was stern and confident to step aside or else the GOP will feel pain. Press Secretary Gibbs warning the GOP to be very careful. Quoted “I think it is probably important for anybody involved in this debate to be exceedingly careful with the way in which they’ve decided to describe different aspects of this impending confirmation,” Gibbs said.

After learning who Sotomayer is we are learning that she is a strong advocate of minority issues. She Judges from compassion of judgment over letter of the law as seen in past cases and even worse her recorded comments. I am not so interested in opening up the comments of Sotomayer since it is not her past I am interested in is the intent of future debates and judicial rulings I am concerned with. It is the positioning by President Obama placing activist throughout high government offices I fear. My fear is not for myself my clan or tribe it is fear that we will regress and transfer hate from one segment to another.

With all being said it is apparent a dialogue on race is coming to the nation. It appears in order for this debate to take place the Supreme Court must be positioned with an activist such as Sotomayer. The combination for debate includes the powers of the Executive branch the Judicial Branch along with the Attorney General Eric Holder. Once the pieces are in place a debate may occur and in my opinion may be of legislation, enforcement and re-interpretation at the highest levels of office perceiving a “More Perfect Union”.

Once all the powers are in place this debate could take place. It is obvious it will not take place until the highest levels of power have been achieved. I am willing to open the doors to race so is the nation that voted Obama into office. I ask are we willing to draw new battle lines; is it time for new legislation new laws to enforce a perceived fairness. Are we ready to take the healing step forward and forgive? Can we transgress no more or are we intending to open new doors and make new laws and new invisible barriers?

When we place Gibbs warning along with Holders comments combined with Sotomayers activism at the judicial level what debate will emerge. It is clear we are a nation of cowards when race is the issue. Can Obama heal past wounds by leading with example will he demand debate or conclude on legislation? It should and always be clear that justice is blind now Obama wants justice to be compassionate to the latest fashions trend?

We proved America is ready for healing but are we aware of the intent. Has race relations been such a sore spot that fairness is not the motive but punishment is the intent. Such punishment recently unveiled in intentionally unclear Hate legislation that is harsher against words spoken then the despicable acts of violent offenders. Some human beings are offensive by nature. Offensiveness is perceived differently between individuals like smell and taste. Words are sometimes misperceived or received differently from the intended message. Of course some are clearly offensive across the population. What happens when past legislation like hate crime legislation is used to silence a particular religion or celebration deemed offensive. If history taught us anything this legislation should direct us to the Thirty Years War between the Catholics and Protestants it will shift back and forth destroying us all.

We have become a nation of cowards but not in race but in political correctness. We now have a Democratic run house that did not fully confirm a Presidential nominee leaving holes in his eligibility. We have a house that is partisan, threatening and punishing. We have a Speaker of the House that does what is best for idealism not the country. Nancy Pelosi refuses to relinquish power as she severely hurts the C.I.A capabilities. We have a house that does not read the grandest spending bills in human history. When challenged to read these marvelous bills of immense size they hire a non-elected speed reader to read it in part for them. Knowledge of content and intent still incomplete they vote it into law anyhow. Are our politicians ruling on self knowledge of individual personalities or from one voice ordering the vote to go through?

Now that the powers are so overpowering and overwhelmingly demanding full ownership of minorities. The DNC commonly claims de-facto ownership; who is the racist. I pose the DNC is the racist. How can one party who championed so little historically in race advancement convince any group they solemnly belong to the DNC as one group in whole?

The warning from Gibbs should go unheard and the vetting and debates should go fast and hard to confirm Sotomayer is the best for the job. My greatest question and comment I can impose to all of you is why not fully vet and debate Sotomayer? Why be careful and put the kid gloves on again?

The Democrats greatest fear is losing the words of smoke and illusions that they are the party for minorities. The Hispanic population falls more closely in line with the GOP then the DNC for the simple moral and ethical standards the GOP champions. The GOP should stick to principles and speak clearly the facts of ethics moralities and how it differs from the DNC significantly. The message should be easy one that clearly interprets the Conservative values shared with the Hispanic community. In my opinion the moral and ethical values of the Hispanic community is stronger then some members of even the GOP.